I recently read the chapter in Liz Gilbert’s Big Magic, her book on creativity, in which she equates perfectionism with “fear in high heals,” a gussied-up elegant ruse to try to hold us back from expressing our full creative selves. Ooh don’t I know that one!
This is exactly why I’ve chosen to support humans in welcoming every part of themselves home to their heart, especially the parts that are the hardest to embrace.
We begin with games and practices to slough off the barriers to full self love and acceptance.
Once identified, we offer love to all that elicits shame and work directly with each perceived body flaw like wrinkles, cellulite, saggy boobs & bellies, gray hair… name your own.
After working with the physical, we take a deeper dive into our emotional selves to reclaim all the parts we abandoned along the way. We give voice to that which feels it is too much or not enough, the hurting inner child, the pissy inner teenager, the insecurities we ditched and covered over with good grades & upstanding careers…
Once we begin the reclamation and welcoming, the receiving line grows and grows.
Each part we feared would be the end of us or even the death of us if we let it express, holds a golden key to unlock our highest purpose and gifts we are here to give the world.
Pain is a portal to healing, unleashing creativity and contribution.
The world needs our voices, our full voices, stories, persistence in bringing all to the heart, every last gritty, ugly, terrifying drop to be welcomed home at the altar of love.
All of you is always and most welcome here.