Celebrating the beautiful, bountiful, blissful flow that is my life as never before that I am now.
I do not choose to wear rose-colored glasses that mask reality.
I do choose to play with all that is in whimsical combination.
I choose to look what is heart-breaking in the eye and speak aloud to it as a sweet fawn with frank, gentle lovingkindness.
“I see you devastation of our wild lands. I see you displaced exquisite gorillas by human ignorance. I see you dead bones of the once magnificent coral reefs. I love you. I grieve your passing because my species forgot how to honor ourselves by honoring you and the win-win-win of working with nature.”
I pray specific prayers for the regeneration of our soils, oceans and forests, the WILD that is so crucial for humans to continue to live on this planet.
I take specific actions to do my part in the regeneration of mamma Gaia.
My daily practice is one of THANKSGIVING.
I open my heart with utmost gratitude for the gifts of life I enjoy, the beauty, the love, the resources available to me because I AM HERE NOW.
Not because I earned it or had to prove I deserve it.
Because it is my birthright as it is yours to live authentically and be loved for expressing our unique perspective in the grand IT ALL in Life’s dance of birth, death & rebirth.
I make space in my life to CELEBRATE each gift and cherish it, knowing that the only certainty I can count on is impermanence and change.
I give thanks for the capacity to flow with the changes and hold all that is with honor from the infinite wellspring of love where my human heart-center meets my eternal soul.