It’s a lot to be the creators of our own realities and experience struggle, doubt and pain.
It’s a lot to have magnificent mysterious human bodies we are ever discovering the wonder and capacities of.
It’s a lot to assume response ability for playing every role in every story ever spoken, performed or written in all time space continuums.
It’s a lot to deeply trust that we are ever only learning from pain in order to vision and know more compassion and beauty for ourselves and all beings–pain is not a punishment, it is an invitation to greater lovingkindness!
It’s A LOT and it’s what we signed up for and have every capacity to meet, breath by breath dear ones.
Breathe my loves breathe my loves breathe in the quiet center.
Be still and feel beyond feeling, know beyond knowing that death is but a doorway, love is all that’s happening here, and sometimes it feels like more than a soft animal body with a sharp cutting mind can grow through.
Breathe my love, breathe my love, breathe in the quiet center.
Love can be with it all in the space of OK.
Grant your precious deserving self space for gentle lovingkindness.
Everything is true and sacred or nothing is true and sacred.
Attention is Life’s superpower.
No thing exists without something else to need, delight in, look at, pollinate, feed, listen to, perceive it.
Feed what brings joy to your tender heart.
Yes, every form will shatter and someone will have to use tears as glue to make a stunning mosaic out of the shimmering shards left on the floor.
Ride the waves, play the characters full on full out, WE KNOW HOW TO DO THIS because LIFE is infinitely intelligent and merciful.
Cry when you’re sad, ask for help when you don’t have the resources to provide for your needs.
Life is always listening and responding.
We are Life.
I am you, you are me.
We cannot get it wrong.