photo by Candace Smith
So far the biggest take away from a recent day of deep meditation with the sacred mushroom teachers is a direct experience of the seamless continuity of all life.
What is most important right now is to attune to the flow of Life’s generative energy within your physical being and trust it.
Take time off from screens and other people’s opinions.
Watch your breath. Be extra kind and gentle with yourself.
Observe nature, flowers, trees, bees, butterflies, birds, animals, anything WILD.
If this is a foreign concept get curious.
Ask Life to reveal itself to you and how you can move along with the current in generative flow with the ever changing landscape.
Here for you for conversation and to with ness you in any way that would feel good dear ones.
Reach out anytime to me via email karynleigh0011 at so we can make a 1-1 time.
All my love for Self, You, and the One Life we co-create and share.
I am you you are me. for joyful generative collaboration!
Observed–again– how perception creates reality and nothing is happening beyond what is perceived and attention is on in the moment.
Was affirmed that iWe are co-creating a safe, generative space for Life and Love to grow in the flow of expanding unity consciousness.
Life offers each and every part of itself support to grow with it or die and be reborn into new form.
Humans are unique in our free will to curiously learn how to grow with the flow or insist on rowing upstream, attempting to deny our part in the whole fabric of life, and maintain control and power over others.
Once we open ourselves to the support Life offers each and every one, there is truly No Thing to worry about friends.
We will each be given all we need to grow with the flow once we choose to open ourselves to receive. Life is amoral and impersonal at its core, yet all is part of limitless joy in creating experiences that can only be perceived through sentient perception.
Life is going to persist no matter what.
I choose to believe we have reached a level of collective consciousness from which we will have the honor to with ness life’s quantum leap from fear and power over systems to multidimensional collaborations of generative creativity, plenty, peace and pleasure for all beings.
What is most important right now is to attune to the flow of Life’s generative energy within your physical being and trust it.
Take time off from screens and other people’s opinions.
Watch your breath. Be extra kind and gentle with yourself.
Observe nature, flowers, trees, bees, butterflies, birds, animals, anything WILD.
If this is a foreign concept get curious.
Ask Life to reveal itself to you and how you can move along with the current in generative flow with the ever changing landscape.
Here for you for conversation and to with ness you in any way that would feel good dear ones.
Reach out anytime to me via email at so we can make a 1-1 time.
All my love for Self, You, and the One Life we co-create and share.
I am you you are me. Here for joyful generative collaboration!