Intention is so potent these days.
Do you relate friends?
I follow a whisper, a nudge from within the wise center of Being.
I show up in the moment.
I notice how any agenda or plan I made must be surrendered to the actual new now.
Life may have other plans for me.
For the most part I am delighted by the nows and noticing how old stories melt in presence.
I invite myself to look under sensation, feel under, listen under and be ‘withnessed.’
It’s the withnessing when its uncomfortable and I’m the “facilitator” that’s so edgy.
Then others open open open, invite invite invite, share share share.
There is no longer a role, I am part of this circle and my full spectrum experience is welcomed.
I notice when I want to deflect attention.
I stay with it and allow myself to be seen and heard.
The shame, the tenderness, the compassion for others who may be having a similar experience and be less resourced…
Each of us does the same and the circle of belonging ripples out…
We receive each other just as we are.
We risk opening ourselves to be honest and messy instead of polished and poised.
We pray that it ripples out to all beings:
Let all beings know they belong here, their bigness, their intentions gone awry, their devotion to all the aspects of relationships and life that are beyond their control.
Let all beings come home to the circle of belonging and dance with us at the edge to keep expanding into what is possible when we risk opening, softening and showing our tender under belly to another.
Thank you my sister Creative Alchemists. Thank you!
So much magick opens when I soften and share what’s real.
And then there’s the beauty of a flower still dripping with raindrops…