Attention is power.
I choose the lens through which I see the grand all that is.
The lens I choose directly creates my experience.
This is law.
Try it.
Put your attention on what brings you joy.
Put your attention on what you want to see more of for yourself and the whole of which we are all part.
Put on the beauty lens, commit to see only beauty and beauty is all you see–your mind may have other ideas just guide it back to seeing beauty.
Sometimes you have to turn away from one thing towards the beautiful.
Other times you have to walk away from someone or a circumstance to reclaim your joy.
The inner world is an endless source of beauty, and there are times when I must act, but primarily a change of lens will start the process.
Trust yourself.
Trust what your wise body is drawn to.
Watch the cunning trickster of the mind.
No matter what is happening in the external world, we have the choice what lens to view it through.
Even triggered in a PTSD response, I can choose to breathe and ask love what it has for me in that moment.
Even shut down or totally losing it, I have the capacity to allow the undeviating justice in the circumstance to arise.
When you are resourced you may choose to practice.
When you are resourced you may choose to prepare.
When you are resourced you may choose to view the backwards and forwards from now through the lens of deep compassion and wild acceptance.
Life may surprise you with laughter or a flood of grateful tears.
Put attention on what’s right and perfect and good HERE NOW.
I love you and believe we can put our attention on creating a New Earth on which all creatures great and small live in harmony & dignity.
Life doesn’t make mistakes.
Your attention matters.
I love you!
Vote for LOVE with your loving awareness.